[Link] Down with Facebook!
Down with Facebook: If you haven’t laughed yourself into incoherence from reading Matt Labash’s take on the social networking phenomenon, you might end up hating it as much as he does.
Quality interweb mischief from Jared Bridges
Down with Facebook: If you haven’t laughed yourself into incoherence from reading Matt Labash’s take on the social networking phenomenon, you might end up hating it as much as he does.
The Alabama shooting, like the Virginia Tech massacre before it, is sure to unleash a wave of speculation about what drove the troubled young Michael McLendon to do what he did. Even this morning on my commute, I overheard a discussion of the killing spree in which one fellow conceded, “Since he killed that many … Read more
“Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he sat down, his disciples came to him.” (Matthew 5:1, ESV) Sea of Galilee, circa August 1999 Above is a photo I took on a hillside near the shores of the Sea of Galilee nearly a decade ago. The cross is a shadow of … Read more
Is the TV show “Lie to Me” pulling the wool over our eyes? Neely Tucker of the Washington Post investigates.
The Confession: I can’t imagine beign wrongly indicted for murder for 40 years. William Thomas was recently cleared by a deathbed confession of a 1967 slaying. Scarlet letters are hard for society to erase.
Minds over medium? Facsinating Wired article about how digital overload is frying our brains.
“Ancient” Syriac bible found in Cyprus: A mystery like this is way cooler than the Shroud of Turin.
It’s been going around the Facebook like wildfire, and even the inoculated among us are not immune.  So, here’s my humble contribution to the meme: 1. I don’t believe in randomness. The irony in selecting 25 “random” things about oneself is thicker than Karo syrup, which is my favorite. 2. I grew up about 10 … Read more
These days, one can’t turn on the tube without finding a show about crime, cops, and the regular folks caught in between. The number of shows in the genre is endless, but are they all really that different. Here are at least seven stereotypical ways which may or may not do crime shows justice. Cliché … Read more
There is much to commend in Tyler Wigg-Stevenson’s Christianity Today cover story, “Jesus Is Not a Brand,” but this excerpt is especially noteworthy: The difficulty with the pro-marketing arguments, however, is the failure to recognize that marketing is not a values-neutral language. Marketing unavoidably changes the message—as all media do. Why? Because marketing is the … Read more