[Link] Faith Hill Photoshopped?
When someone like Faith Hill is given extensive body-altering Photoshop work for a magazine cover, something is seriously wrong.
Quality interweb mischief from Jared Bridges
When someone like Faith Hill is given extensive body-altering Photoshop work for a magazine cover, something is seriously wrong.
Russell Moore discusses interracial marriage and emergent truth.
Ever wonder why do schoolchildren get a three-month summer vacation? Juliet Lapidos investigates the origins of the summer break.
John Rabe, who is most entertaining when writing about baseball, didn’t like the All Star game either.
Caught in a Web of Comment: How corporate marketers can reach out to blogs.
John Piper gives briefly one of the best takes on evangelism I’ve heard in a long time. (audio clip)
Over at Blogs for Fred, we’ve partnered with The Fred Store for a new promotion for bloggers who support Fred Thompson for president. If you add your blog to the Blogs for Fred blogroll, The Fred Store will send you a free coffee mug and bumper sticker that says “I Blog for Fred.” If you’re … Read more
Perhaps the only thing more disheartening than watching the National League lose its 10th straight All Star Game (though the late comeback attempt was exciting) was the attitude by the Fox broadcasters who assumed its audience wasn’t actually interested in the baseball playing part of the game. Instead of the action on the field, we … Read more
In case you missed the glowing New York Times profile of Sen. Hillary Clinton’s faith over the weekend, you missed intriguing tidbits like the fact that she carries a Bible along with her on the campaign trail. Also included in the piece was this very telling portrayal of her beliefs (emphasis mine): In a brief … Read more
TIME mag lists its 50 Best Websites 2007