104 – 82!
MMMMMM, Gator tastes gooood!
Quality interweb mischief from Jared Bridges
MMMMMM, Gator tastes gooood!
Since I missed my Super Bowl predictions, why not try something a little more safe, like Super Tuesday? I predict: My trash will be picked up D.C. traffic will be bad I will have at least two meetings at work Catholics everywhere will get fat And you thought I was going to say that John … Read more
Even the most robust readers in the world take the time to do some reading that is more recreational in nature. While I do not count myself within the realm of the world’s most robust readers, I do frequently engage in recreational reading. In the past year or so, I’ve found myself drawn to the … Read more
All the Super Bowl ads, in one place.
Christianity Today gives us its 10 Most Redeeming Films of 2007
Atheist v. Christian: video from FORA.tv of a debate held last October at Georgetown University between atheist Christopher Hitchens and Christian Alister McGrath.
Child-Man in the Promised Land: Kay S. Hymowitz takes a frightening look at the man-boys of our culture who never seem to grow up.
The Great White, killing machine: some stunning photos of a Great White in action.
What happens when you press “publish?” Wired has a pretty informative graphic on The Life Cycle of a Blog Post, From Servers to Spiders to Suits — to You.