Daily Vision

The Banner of Truth has put online daily selections from the book The Valley of Vision in a daily devotional format. These are sometimes stunning and poignant prayers and meditations from Puritan writers and theologians. Heavy stuff, but as I heard Crawford Lorritts say once, “It’s like weightlifting–if you wanna get strong, you gotta pick … Read more

More Cork

Scrappleface reveals the real reason the Cubs fan caught the foul ball–a problem that has plauged the Cubs before: cork. Read it, it’s hilarious.

Europe’s Unbelief…

The secularization of Europe is almost complete, according to this NY Times article. Consider this: Christianity’s greatest hope in Europe may in fact be immigrants from the developing world, who in many cases learned the religion from European missionaries, adapted it to their own needs and tastes, then toted it back to the Continent. Ironic, … Read more

Calling for His Head

I suppose in reference to my plea to fire Vols offensive line coach Randy Sanders, I received the following email: Subject: Fire Randy Sanders!!! I noticed you were a VOLS fan and thought you might like to join the discussions on our website. www.firerandysanders.com Sincerely, Bryan A pretty fun site, though by no means as … Read more

Rush-ing to Judgment?

Rush Limbaugh’s announcement Friday that he is addicted to prescription painkillers came as no real surprise to me. When I heard him the week before announce that he would not comment on the situation until he knew what exactly he was facing, it was not difficult to put two and two together. After all, if … Read more


Vols 14, Bulldogs 41 Last week we got beat. Tonight, we tried to go for the palindrome score of the week. I think tonight’s loss was even worse than last year’s loss to that unmentionable team from Gainesville. Stupid mistakes on routine plays made the difference. Which all seems to lead back to…dare I say … Read more

Likely Story

Sigfreid says the tiger was trying to help Roy, as it nearly bit his neck off. Don’t blame the poor, defenseless, good-hearted tiger–he meant well. Is there really anybody who believes this? If so please comment or email me–I have some Kentucky oceanfront property that I’ll give you a good deal on.

Taking a Stand

It’s good to see some Episcopalians taking a stand against those trying to hijack their church. Hats off to them.