Europe’s Unbelief…

The secularization of Europe is almost complete, according to this NY Times article. Consider this: Christianity’s greatest hope in Europe may in fact be immigrants from the developing world, who in many cases learned the religion from European missionaries, adapted it to their own needs and tastes, then toted it back to the Continent. Ironic, … Read more

Taking a Stand

It’s good to see some Episcopalians taking a stand against those trying to hijack their church. Hats off to them.

The Trivialization of God

I stumbled upon an article, written about a year ago, by GQ magazine editor Walter Kirn. Kirn decided to delve into the Christian subculture, which he calls “Ark culture.” Kirn’s article offers us a no-holds-barred look of how the world sees Christianity (especially the Christian sub-culture) that I think would be good for all Christians … Read more

Pop Goes Religion

A New York Times article on the upcoming new television season highlights the increased spirituality that is evident in this fall’s lineup: Today’s spurt of spirituality, at least the kind expressed by DMX, the rapper who ends his concerts with a prayer to Jesus, seeks a cozier, more direct connection to God: open, low-maintenance and … Read more

Separation of Church and Business, Cont’d.

Kevin McNeese, an employee of Familiy Christian Stores, responded to my blog entry, “Separation of Church and Business.” Mr. Neese says: We can split hairs all day long, and I’m praying that the Christian community will embrace versus divide, but the fact of the matter is that Family Christian Stores is both a ministry and … Read more

Bibles A la Mode

Russell Moore has a great article on Bibles that are niche-marketed, in this case to teenage girls. Among several good points Moore makes is this one: Evangelicals have long believed that the way to get attention is to reincarnate the gospel into a vanilla-flavored version of whatever worldly fad is the going thing. Thus, we … Read more

Biblical Illiteracy

Albert Mohler has a good blog today on biblical illiteracy in the church. I’ve blogged briefly about this before, and I think this is one dead horse that still needs beating. Mohler cites the statistics: According to 82 percent of Americans, “God helps those who help themselves,” is a Bible verse. Those identified as born-again … Read more

Separation of Church and Business

With all the buzz in the media regarding separation of church and state, there seems to one area that is overlooked: the separation of church and business. Now don’t get me wrong—there is nothing at all wrong with running a business in a Christian manner. In fact, more businesses need to be run that way—heck, … Read more

Culture, Time, & Christianity

Os Guinness says some noteworthy things about Christianity and culture in an interview with Dick Staub. Guinness observes: If you look back when clocks came into the West, there was a subtle change. For example, the idea of being civilized for the Greeks was a spatial idea. If you were inside, you were civilized. If … Read more

UNtruth in Advertising

I came across this article from the United Kingdom [linked via Tom Perrault] about a report from two advertising agencies that were hired by a British Christian magazine to create marketing strategies “aimed at encouraging people to attend church services.” Since my undergradute major was in advertising, and I currently work for a marketing company, … Read more