The Reading of the Word

If you’ve never read the entire Bible, the beginning of a new year is a great time to start. Beginning today, I’m reading through the Bible in a year following Robert Murray M’Cheyne’s plan. M’Cheyne was a Scottish pastor who had a passion for getting his people into the word of God. I’ve done this … Read more

A Restoration…

The people who walk in darkness Will see a great light; Those who live in a dark land, The light will shine on them. Isaiah 9:2 Season’s Greetings Happy Holidays Happy Winter Holiday Merry Christmas!

Happiness and The Individual

Peter Augustine Lawler has a superb piece on the pursuit of happiness. Lawler observes how most people equate happiness with individual happiness, and are willing to go to great lengths with biotechnology to make that happen: We can see that the hope we place in biotechnology is based, in part, on our present desperation. In … Read more

Inward Styling

My car is dirty. I haven’t been to the car wash in months. I usually take in the “freebies” that come every time it rains. My car is dirty—on the outside. On the inside, my car is virtually spotless. I’m pretty neurotic about people leaving trash in it, and I clean the dust and the … Read more

French Vanilla No More

Some French officials have declared war on religious symbols: Muslim, Jewish and Christian leaders in France have condemned a proposed ban on conspicuous religious signs such as headscarves or crucifixes in schools…Former minister Bernard Stasi, who headed the commission consulted a wide cross-section of public opinion, including teachers, religious leaders, sociologists and politicians before handing … Read more

Carl F. H. Henry, R.I.P.

Theologian Carl F. H. Henry died Monday. Henry was the intellectual founder of modern evangelicalism, and his 6-volume magnum opus, God, Revelation, and Authority is near the top of my list of books to read in my lifetime. Albert Mohler has a good take on Henry and his legacy.

Why Evangelicals Will Never Embrace Gay Marriage

Virginia Postrel is wrong. In response to today’s Massachusetts Supreme Court ruling that anti-homosexual marriage laws are unconstitutional, Postrel writes about the evangelical Protestant view on homosexual marriage: As I’ve said before, saying that homosexuality is wrong has increasingly become the defining public characteristic of evangelical Protestants. Publicly disapproving of gays separates them from popular … Read more

Jesus, Mary and da Vinci

I caught most of ABC’s special, Jesus, Mary and da Vinci, and to be honest, it wasn’t all that interesting or even provocative. The show investigated the claim that Jesus was married to Mary Magdelene, and Leonardo DaVinci was a member of a secret society that was meant to guard this devastating information. The show … Read more

Boykin’s “Blunder”

The furor over comments made by U.S. Army Lt. Gen. William Boykin in speeches he made in churches regarding Islam shows just how ignorant many of our government officials are regarding religion. Boykin said things in the speeches to the effect that Muslims worship an idol and not a real God. Of course, the PC … Read more

Daily Vision

The Banner of Truth has put online daily selections from the book The Valley of Vision in a daily devotional format. These are sometimes stunning and poignant prayers and meditations from Puritan writers and theologians. Heavy stuff, but as I heard Crawford Lorritts say once, “It’s like weightlifting–if you wanna get strong, you gotta pick … Read more