Toward a Tolerable Tolerance

The relationship between religion and politics, always a perennial subject of much consternation, is yet again at forefront of the national discussion. One of the chief questions that always arises out of such debates has to do with whether or not faith even belongs in the public square. The faithful say “yes!,” the unfaithful “no!,” … Read more

Obama the monarchist

The Clinton campaign must be licking their chops today, because Senator Barack Obama just proved that he’s at least as crazy as Howard Dean. In a speech to a Greenville, South Carolina church today (I’m assuming he was the “guest preacher?”), Sen. Obama set forth his true ambitions: He finished his brief remarks by saying, … Read more

A living, panting document

This weekend, I watched a re-run 2005 episode of Nova on PBS which chronicled the conservation of the United States Constitution and Declaration of Independence. The painstaking restoration of our nation’s founding documents was a worthy subject of documentary, and I’m glad I watched it. As with most documentaries these days, the narrator gave the … Read more

Circus Maximus Larry Craigus

Ok, so let me get this straight: Sen. Larry Craig is arrested in June. He pleads guilty to disorderly conduct in August. Once made public, he claims he was not guilty. Then, under pressure, he says he will resign from the Senate. But then, once a misplaced voicemail is made public, he claims he is … Read more

Religion & Politics at American University

Yesterday, I had the privilege of participating in “Table Talk Luncheon” at American University’s Kay Spiritual Life Center. The topic was “Religion & Politics in the US: Young Evangelicals in National Politics.” My worthy counterpart on the panel was Tim Kumfer from Sojourners, with whom I even found a few points of agreement (you’ll have … Read more

Blogs for Fred Gear

Over at Blogs for Fred, we’ve partnered with The Fred Store for a new promotion for bloggers who support Fred Thompson for president. If you add your blog to the Blogs for Fred blogroll, The Fred Store will send you a free coffee mug and bumper sticker that says “I Blog for Fred.” If you’re … Read more

Hillary Clinton: Church Lady

In case you missed the glowing New York Times profile of Sen. Hillary Clinton’s faith over the weekend, you missed intriguing tidbits like the fact that she carries a Bible along with her on the campaign trail. Also included in the piece was this very telling portrayal of her beliefs (emphasis mine): In a brief … Read more

Blogs for Fred

I’m proud to announce the creation of a new site that Joe Carter and I have been working on: Blogs for Fred. The site is just as its named — a rally point for bloggers who support Sen. Fred Thompson for president. Yeah, I know he hasn’t officially announced yet, but it’s kinda like the … Read more