No Ambiguity

Everyone’s been talking about President Bush’s hugging the girl whose mother was killed in the 9/11 attacks. If you haven’t yet read it, read it now. In addition to that, Hugh Hewitt references an item about the president keeping his promise to go running with a soldier who lost a leg. Stories like these do … Read more

Bush Gaining Ground

There is still a long road ahead for campaign 2004, but as recent polls have shown, President Bush is gaining ground on Kerry. Peggy Noonan says today in the Wall Street Journal that Bush’s weathering of the recent storms have shown people that he stays the course and says what he believes. On the other … Read more

The Left’s Rapture of the Mind

Many on the left have a difficult time understanding why Americans generally support Israel. Some, like George Monbiot, writing in the U.K. Guardian, concludes that it has to be because so many “fundamentalist” Christians believe in the Rapture, and therefore think that the eschatological process must be helped along by siding with Israel. This couldn’t … Read more

A Study in Contrast

Victor Davis Hanson has one of the best arguments I’ve seen yet against those who would seek to appease the Islamofacists. Hanson writes in the Spring 2004 Issue of City Journal: Most important, military deterrence and the willingness to use force against evil in its infancy usually end up, in the terrible arithmetic of war, … Read more

Responsibility, Control, and Terrorism

The 9/11 Commission is a sham. If were only really about making the country safer. Instead, everyone’s searching for someone to blame. The those on the left think that the Bush administration is at fault. This is either an election-year ploy or they really believe it. I’m rather inclined to think that some have actually … Read more

The Unimpressive Press

After watching President Bush’s press conference tonight, I have increasingly less faith in what our country’s journalism schools are turning out. Are the people chosen to ask questions of the POTUS really the best that the news agencies have to offer? I, for one, am not a believer in the old adage that “the only … Read more

Politics, Religion, & The Christian Right

James Heflin is an angry, upset man. It seems to him that the far-right-extreme-ultra-hyper-conservative fundamentalists of the Christian right (wayward, diabolical, conservative Southern Baptists in particular) are the root of all evil in America. After reading this article [link via CT Weblog] that’s the feeling one gets. In it, Heflin delivers a tirade at the … Read more

Nothing New Under The Sun

According to Brown, Driver, and Briggs’ Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, the term which is transliterated hamas means in Arabic “to be hard, strict, rigorous.” Not surprisingly, the Hebrew meaning is close: “act violently, treat violently.” It’s no doubt that Israel has been on the receiving end of the Hebrew meaning of … Read more

The Frat Boy vs. The Intellectual Elite

President Bush, long seen as dim-witted by the intellectual elite on college campuses everywhere, may be putting some intellectuals to the task on the issue of Islamic anti-Semitism: Yet social scientists have essentially remained mum concerning a problem that President Bush, in a speech in November, has placed high on the world agenda. “Europe’s leaders, … Read more

Terrorist Victory in Europe

Here’s my favorite quote of the day—John Bush, a.k.a. The Discoshaman, writing on the recent terror attacks in Spain: Only fools and Democrats still believe that appeasement and compromise works with the radical Islamists. They understand force and submission, and no other languages. Harsh, but true. Anyone who thinks that the Islamofacists will stop killing … Read more