The NEA? How About NDEA?

The National Education Association should be renamed the National Democrat Education Association. Rusty Lopez points to a Phyllis Schlafly report on this year’s meeting of the national teacher’s union. It turned out that their meeting had little to do with education: For the 2004 political campaign, the NEA will “partner” with left-wing organizations such as … Read more

Compromise and Third Wheels in Presidential Politics

Reader John Divito writes: Hello! I wanted to let you know that I ran across a couple of internet articles you might be interested in. It seems to me that there are two camps of conservative Christian voters–those that vote strictly based on their conscience (and hence for a third party–say, the Constitution Party), and … Read more

Kerry the Faithful

John Kerry sees his faith in terms of clothing: And let me say it plainly: in that cause, and in this campaign, we welcome people of faith. America is not us and them. I think of what Ron Reagan said of his father a few weeks ago, and I want to say this to you … Read more

Forget Farenheit 9/11…

… has a very damning video of John Kerry, using only the words of John Kerry as he flip-flops about on Iraq and Saddam Hussein, saying that he said what he said before he didn’t say what he said when he voted for the war before he voted against it. Confused? I can’t see why … Read more

Swan Song

Watching Al Gore speak tonight via his own invention, the internet (I’m watching the DNC over the streaming video feed via, I suddenly realized that this speech is the man’s swan song. Tonight we saw the “Saturday Night Live” Al Gore versus “Angry” Al Gore. He had little to say except his “I almost … Read more

Finding Our Founding Unfounded

All the hubbub about constitutional amendments, gay marriage, the pledge of allegiance, the ten commandments, and the like has the country in a understandable turmoil when it comes to religion in public life. Those of us who side with tradition and the morality of those who came before us stand against the ever-rising tide of … Read more

Human Rights Violations

It looks like the Bush administration is up to even more human rights violations than previously thought. According to a recent New York Times article: In May, the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists called the Bush administration’s increased financing of abstinence-only programs at the expense of comprehensive sex education a violation of … Read more


The presidential race kicks into high gear today with Sen. Kerry’s choice of Sen. John Edwards as a running mate. In the long run, I don’t think Edwards will help Kerry—Edwards, after all, has much more charisma and makes Kerry’s persona seem even more sleepy and drab. I can’t remember the last time someone chose … Read more

A Greater Danger

The Kerry campaign is up in arms about Bush-Cheney ’04 efforts to woo churchgoers. A recent missive from the Bush campaign enjoins church members to promote Bush’s re-election among their fellow members: The Bush-Cheney reelection campaign has sent a detailed plan of action to religious volunteers across the country asking them to turn over church … Read more

A Knot Off the Old Block

Sometimes the apple falls so far from the tree that it just plain rolls down the hill. Ron P. Reagan, the son of the late President, can’t get enough of the fifteen minutes of fame his father’s death has brought him. Unlike his brother Michael and even his eccentric sister Patti, Ron saw the funeral … Read more