Forging Ahead

After reading the blogs and a couple of “watercooler conversations,” it’s interesting to me how many people suspect that the apparently forged memos regarding the President’s National Guard service could be part of an elaborate setup by the Karl Rove and his minions. While this is indeed possible, it is by no means probable. Rove … Read more

The World Election

A new poll shows that John Kerry might win the election soundly—if people in other countries could vote. I’m sure the Kerry campaign is happy about the outcome of this poll, considering the downward spiral in which the campaing seems to be caught. What the poll does not show is that most Americans would not … Read more

The Choice Is Clear!

If you’re an American, and you’re still undecided, today is Groundhog Day. Come out of your hole for a bit and see whether or not you see your shadow. There are sixty days left—look to the left and find flip-flops and floundering. Look to the right, and you’ll see a plan, a proven record, and … Read more

Come Zell or High Water!

Zell Miller just took the nation to church better than a backwoods preacher. The Kerry campaign will surely be out to discredit Miller tomorrow, but I think that the Democrat Miller connects with the pulse of the nation better than any other in his party. This speech will definitely stir the pot, but Miller is … Read more

“Convention”-al Theology

We shouldn’t be surprised when speakers at political conventions toss out bones to their various breeds of constituency. After all, they want to appeal to everyone. A large block of voters have strong religous beliefs, so naturally the speakers want to appeal to them. Kerry tried to court the religous vote by not wearing his … Read more

Smoking Waterguns

The media’s hissy fit about the SwiftVet supporters being Republicans borders on the absurd. Each new item that is uncovered comes with the expectation of a “eureka” moment, as in this Reuters piece: The Bush campaign and the White House have said they have nothing to do with the Swift Boat group or the ads. … Read more

How Would Jesus Vote?

If Jesus were voting in November, for whom would he punch his chad? John Kerry—whose faith has “given him values to live by,” or George Bush—of whom Jesus is his favorite philosopher? A recent conference held by the Texas Faith Network attempted to answer this question. As you can imagine, the results were mixed. In … Read more

John Kerry: Accept no Hermaphrodites

Sen. Kerry’s recent GQ interview included describing the qualities a man should look for in a woman. Among the traits that Kerry looks for is that she must be a full woman: Sense of womanhood. Full woman. Confident. It’s a woman who loves being a woman. Who wears her womanhood. Generally, this is good advice. … Read more

Gov. James McGreevey: The Gay American

Politicians who fail morally should give up the “fall on the sword” speech. I’ve yet to see one truly repent of their moral failings without trying to make a hero out of themselves. New Jersey Governor James McGreevey’s speech today was no exception. The only sword he fell on was a rubber one that bent … Read more

Monitor Lizards

While I agree with others in the blogosphere in being outraged that OSCE inspectors monitors will be present for the November elections (at the invitation of Colin Powell), I think we should keep things in perspective. After all, what will the OSCE do if they find anything amiss? What can they do? A European alliance … Read more