Debate #2: A Late Take

By any standards in the blogosphere, late Sunday night is far too late to be weighing in on a Friday night debate, but here’s my take: President Bush won this one handily. He was lively, coherent, and he doesn’t own a timber company. Kerry seemed repetive, saying, “George Bush rushed to war without a plan … Read more

NBC Catches On

I thought it was funny that NBC decided to have some bloggers comment on tonight’s debate. Funny, in that they’ve just now caught on to the blogging phenomenon. It’s more than a little ironic that for the conservative blogger they chose John Hinderaker from Powerline—the blogger who started the RatherGate meltdown that led to CBS’s … Read more


Intitial VP debate reactions: Vice President Cheney wins this debate by a good stride. He was confident, assured, and looked a little more in command than Edwards. He hammered Edwards on many more points than President Bush did last week. The only downside was this debate went on way too long, and Cheney began to … Read more

Rock Stars

The MoveOn PAC is currently sponsoring the “Vote for Change” concert tour, featuring a who’s who of rock stars. Rock star Alice Cooper had this to say about the group: “If you’re listening to a rock star in order to get your information on who to vote for, you’re a bigger moron than they are,” … Read more

You Would Be Remiss…

…if you didn’t read James Lileks today. Here is just a sample: But mostly I hate the debates because I simply cannot abide hearing certain statements I’ve been hearing over, and over, and over again. I can’t take any more talk about bringing allies to the table. Which ones? Brazil? Mynmar? Microfrickin’nesia? Are there some … Read more

Elect Local, Ask Global

Overall, tonight’s presidential debate revealed the positions of the two candidates clearly. Two very opposing viewpoints were made clear. In light of this, one might say it was a tie. In light of the content of the differences, I would say that it is a loss for Sen. Kerry. John Kerry is dangerous for America. … Read more

In the Arena

There’s something almost gladitorial about watching a debate. Think about it—two grown men sparring with each other, using ideas, words, guestures, and makeup as weapons. OK, the analogy does break down, but there is something that excites one’s spirits when viewing this phenomenon. Perhaps it’s watching the candidates sweat bullets when given a tough question—though … Read more

Kerry and Our Allies

Although John Kerry portrays himself as the candidate who will restore America’s image in the world, he’s certainly not above disparaging our allies. Kerry’s dismissal of Iraqi Prime Minister Allawi’s statements in a speech to a joint session of Congress (which, of course, Sen. Kerry didn’t attend) is certainly not a “bridge builder” with allies … Read more

It’s Campaign Circus Time!

Senator Kerry is scheduled to appear on David Letterman Monday night. Perhaps he’s going to be part of Letterman’s sketch “Is This Anything?” Whatever it is, Kerry’s upcoming appearances on Letterman, Regis & Kelly, and Dr. Phil are sure to be a bore. It is even reported that the Bushes will appear on Dr. Phil … Read more

Always the First

Dan Rather wants to be the first to break the story that the Bush National Guard documents are forged: “If the documents are not what we were led to believe, I’d like to break that story,” Rather said in an interview last night. “Any time I’m wrong, I want to be right out front and … Read more