[Link] The Pirates of Tehran
The Pirates of Tehran: “In the old days, they would have kissed his ring — but wearing Iranian suits and carrying swag more appropriate to a Hollywood awards ceremony may have been as embarrassing.”
Quality interweb mischief from Jared Bridges
The Pirates of Tehran: “In the old days, they would have kissed his ring — but wearing Iranian suits and carrying swag more appropriate to a Hollywood awards ceremony may have been as embarrassing.”
OK, one more Fred Thompson link for the weekend (am I beginning to show a bias?): Real American Idols
Will he or won’t he? Fred Thompson Gears Up
Bluetooth Revolution: Using new media to bring about change in Belarus
Robert Novak: Fred Thompson Is for Real
When John Doe isn’t enough: the Fake Name Generator to the rescue. Oh the fun I can have with this…
Those ‘Poor’ Nats: The Washington Nationals are starving now so they can be fat later — good news for a new fan like me.
You are what you eat. You are also what you drink.
Your Mom Was Wrong: Horseplay Is An Important Part Of Development
Cause for glee? It would appear that the inscrutable Discoshaman from Le Sabot Post-Moderne is back in the fray. The blogosphere has languished without him.