[Link] A Lesson in Web Etiquette for the Huffington Post
I love my job. Here’s a little fun Joe Carter and I had today while giving the Huffington Post a lesson in web etiquette
Quality interweb mischief from Jared Bridges
I love my job. Here’s a little fun Joe Carter and I had today while giving the Huffington Post a lesson in web etiquette
Fred Thompson threw away the script when he ran for the Senate; he may do it again trying for the White House.
Peggy Noonan: We’re Scaring Our Children to Death
It’s a dilemma I’m faced with often in here in Washington: should I give money to people on the street who ask for it? The Internet Monk tackles the issue with some thoughtful considerations.
U.S. warns of more sanctions on Belarus
Seeking with Groans: Thomas Hibbs on the moral universe of film noir.
Why Being Manly Is Good For You: The “tough guy” approach to health pays off.
From the Courthouse to the White House: Fred Thompson auditions for the leading role.
Dissent in Russia: Chess champ Garry Kasparov and other peaceful democrats arrested by Putin’s police.
Fred Thompson: Keep the tax cuts!