For The Pack Rats

If you’re a pack rat like me, you’ll appreciate Susan Konig’s article in National Review: …what about the good chocolates, the fancy crackers, the special coffees that get saved? For me, if I have gourmet coffee, it is usually stored in the back of the cabinet or the fridge until, one morning, I run out … Read more


It looks like the FBI has discovered that Almanacs are being used by terrorists. And all this time we thought they were using devices like explosives, box cutters, and nail clippers! The terrorists apparently have now discovered the power of reference books. Seriously though, this does seem a bit ridiculous. Then again, terrorists do some … Read more

The Americans Couldn’t Have Caught Saddam, Right?

The anti-Americans have already started the naysaying. Since there’s no denying that the capture of Saddam is good news (unless, of course, you’re Howard Dean), a London newspaper is now saying that the Kurds captured Saddam and turned him over to the Americans. Of course, there is this line in the story: A former Iraqi … Read more

The Mother of All Days?

The Reuters news agency, who prefers to call the 9/11 murders “freedom fighters” rather than terrorists, has decided that there was too much jubilation going on following Saddam’s capture. So, they release this article: Joy at the capture of Saddam Hussein gave way to resentment toward Washington Monday as Iraqis confronted afresh the bloodshed, shortages … Read more

Periscope Depth

Although I haven’t written anything in a number of days here, I have been writing much. I’ve finished a number of papers, the most interesting of which (and most involved) was an exegesis of the Hebrew text of Isaiah 56, a passage I found most interesting due to its implications regarding Gentile inclusion into the … Read more

I’ll Be Sleeping…

TruePravda will blog-dozing for a while. Is it because I ate too much turkey at Thanksgiving? Not likely. The more likely story is that I am finishing up my papers so I can graduate (and even for which I will indeed wake up!). Blogging will be sporadic for the next few days, but check in … Read more


Some may think this “cheesy,” but Thanksgiving is a time for cheese and plethora of other wonderful foods, so I will go ahead and list a few things for which I am thankful. I am thankful: …that I have a wonderful, beautiful wife who forces me to have fun once in a while …that I … Read more

Man vs. Machine

Garry Kasparov, the top-ranked chess player in the world, is playing a computer again. He tied the first game of the match—let’s hope for the sake of all humanity that he wins, else the machines overtake us. I have a hard enough time keeping up with those computer chess programs, much less an entire computer … Read more