Weathering the Weathermen

I’m neither a prophet, nor the son of a prophet, but many TV weatherpersons seem to think that they hold such a status. There’s been no dearth of storms and tornado warnings in the Louisville area the last couple of days, and the weathermen have been having a field day. Most seem to delight in … Read more

Here Come the Privacy Police

Google’s forthcoming new email service, Gmail, has raised the ire of privacy advocates everywhere. They are concerned because Google’s service will feature targeted ads based on keywords used in the email messages. Google has indicated that no human eyes will ever see the contents of a message. However, this assurance is little comfort to some. … Read more

A Long, Long, Long, Long Time

Anybody remember the Marathon Bar, the candy that lasts a long, long, long, long time? It was a pretzel-looking chocolate candy bar that supposedly took all day to eat. I fondly remember getting them as a kid. Then, the candy bars started to disappear, never to be seen again. Fast forward to May 2004. I … Read more


Quick! Run to the pantry and get some aluminum foil to make yourself a hat (the aliens can’t read your thoughts that way…). That’s right, the Mexican Air Force has seen some UFOs, and they got it on video: The film, recorded by a plane looking for drugs trafficking near the Gulf of Mexico, shows … Read more

A Run to Remember

I’ve started running again this week and amidst the soreness (I hadn’t laced up my running shoes in about a year) I am reminded that it was 50 years ago this month that a 25-year-old medical student named Roger Bannister became the first person to run a mile in under 4 minutes. My personal record … Read more

Two by Two, Looking for a Boat

First things first: I do believe that Noah’s Ark actually did exist. I believe the biblical account is an accurate historical record of the events surrounding the Genesis flood. I do not believe that Daniel McGivern and the other explorers on the upcoming expedition to find Noah’s Ark will find the vessel into which the … Read more

One Year at the Blog

Sources today confirmed that the first entry to TruePravda was recorded one year ago today with this miniscule posting. Yes, it’s true. I’ve been at this a whole year. I remember when a year used to be a long time. I had no idea how frequently I would post, nor what I would post, but … Read more

Ghost Town

Take a look at this photo essay by Elena, a Ukrainian motorcyclist who has a disturbingly eerie photo essay of Chernobyl on her website. Elena traveled through the deserted areas to show a modern-day Pompeii. [hat tip SimpleBits] The Chernobyl explosions and subsequent meltdown happened 18 years ago this month. I remember watching the news … Read more

Chess and Philosophy

I am not a good chess player. The fact that I’m still unable to beat my father after 15 years of playing attests to this fact. Still, I love the game because it gets my mind churning in a way that is both fun and challenging. Chess is also fun to ponder about from time … Read more


I’ve finally updated my “about” page to reflect the fact that I’m no longer a seminarian. I’ve made a few other adjustments to that page, as well as a rather vague hint about what I hope to be doing next. Also, the blogroll on the right has had many changes as of late, with many … Read more