Credibility , Caveat Emptor, and the Blogosphere

The whole Rathergate scandal with the forged documents regarding Bush’s National Guard service reminds me of how similar the free flow of information is to free markets. In the old media, information and subsequent analysis of information flowed through only a handful of sources. The advent of the blogosphere has now given rise to countless … Read more

Chasing the Future

I’ve always been a bit of a chronophile (if I may invent such a term). Time, as a concept, has intrigued me for as long as I can remember. Sci-fi which included time travel was always my favorite. In middle school, I even directed a short film, starring my brothers and cousin, which was to … Read more


In his essay “The Mind,” Jonathan Edwards offers the following definition of consciousness: CONSCIOUSNESS is the mind’s perceiving what is in itself—ideas, actions, passions, and every thing that is there perceptible. It is a sort of feeling within itself. The mind feels when it thinks; so it feels when it discerns, feels when it loves, … Read more

Jeer This

Why on earth the Greek crowd would jeer the American runners because their own star failed to show up for a drug test is beyond me—but I’ll wager they’ll think twice before they do it again. Shawn Crawford, Bernard Williams, and Justin Gatlin swept the 200 meter final. The absent Greek, Kenteris, did not place.

I’m Astonished!

You speak eloquently and have seemingly read everybook ever published. You are a fountain of endless (sometimes useless) knowledge, and never fail to impress at a party. What people love: You can answer almost anyquestion people ask, and have thus been nicknamed Jeeves. What people hate: You constantly correct their grammar and insult their paperbacks. … Read more

Tour de Frog

At the risk of sounding too French, I’ll have to agree with Nick Troester in that the Tour de France is the greatest* sporting event on earth. These men are true athletes, going the distance day in and day out. It is for legends like Miguel Indurain, Eddy Merckx, and Greg Lemond that I have … Read more

Independence Early

Happy Independence Day to all my American readers. Unofficially, that is. Did you know that Congress voted for Independence on July 2, 1776? In fact, John Adams wrote to his wife regarding the day: The second day of July 1776 will be the most memorable epocha in the history of America. I am apt to … Read more

White Nights

James Panero is blogging from St. Petersburg, Russia, where the sun is up most all the night during the “White Nights” of June. St. Petersburg is one of my favorite cities to visit–I’ve been there twice in the month of June, and it really is eeire to be walking around at midnight in natural light. … Read more