Think about all the women you know.
Are you thinking?
Let me then, make a bold prediction: you know no one under the age of 40 whose first name is Judy.
Oh yes, I can prove it…
Quality interweb mischief from Jared Bridges
These days, one can’t turn on the tube without finding a show about crime, cops, and the regular folks caught in between. The number of shows in the genre is endless, but are they all really that different. Here are at least seven stereotypical ways which may or may not do crime shows justice. Cliché … Read more
Years ago, I used to have great fun at the expense of many a cat with a laser pointer. Fast forward a decade or so, and the fun keeps on burnin’ like a laser:
President Bush is not a popular man these days. If his approval ratings fall any lower, they might be mistaken for the current Dow Jones Industrial Average. The lamest of ducks at this point in his career, a turkey might be the only way for him to salvage his legacy. Every year, the president is … Read more
Why else would they have such names as State Farm and Allstate?
Given the price of gasoline these days, driving at high speeds on a Sunday afternoon is out of the question. But thanks to the wonders of YouTube, we can all live vicariously. First, the greatest movie car chase of all time, from the 1968 film Bullitt. Steve McQueen, in his 1968 390 CID V8 Ford … Read more
The other night, during a television commercial break, something strange caught my eye in a trailer for the new movie The Incredible Hulk: It didn’t strike me until 10 seconds into the next commercial. Quick rewind (this is the stuff DVRs are made for!). Yes it’s just as I thought: Notice the dire warning box … Read more
Think about all the women you know.
Are you thinking?
Let me then, make a bold prediction: you know no one under the age of 40 whose first name is Judy.
Oh yes, I can prove it…
Last week, we looked at how to name a church. This week, let’s take a brief look at how to name an American staple: that compound of suburban bliss — the subdivision. The trick in naming a subdivision is pretty simple: think opposite. For example, if the subdivision consists of quarter-acre lots within the city … Read more
As I made my way through the Dunkin’ Donuts drive-thru today, it dawned on me that even though the technological advancements of our country have given us such wonders as i-Phones, artificial hearts, and Tang, we still haven’t developed a drive-thru intercom system that outputs ungarbled speech. No matter which fast-food bastion I choose to … Read more
Let’s pretend that you’re planting a new church. If you’re a typical evangelical church plant in the United States, you’ve probably gathered together a few families and individuals in a community, and are meeting in homes, rented office buildings, or more commonly, a school building. Hopefully, you’ve decided (and founded your church upon) sound doctrinal … Read more