Day Careless?

There’s an excellent discussion on day care going on over at Mere Comments. David Mills posted regarding the article “Bring Back the Stay-At-Home Mom“, by Rich Lowry. This is such a firey topic that even I tremble a little and duck for the incoming arrows in agreeing that day care is not the answer to … Read more

The Tiger Himself

No, not that Tiger. For all of you who are interested in Tom Clancy and his novels, here’s a good article/interview with some hints about the new book, The Teeth of the Tiger. Funny, he didn’t mention anything about anyone else writing his books…it seems the burden of proof is on the Fox News article. … Read more

Fowl Play

If you’re thinking the above photo has absoultely nothing to do with anything important (not that good food isn’t important), you’re right. I took this photo at a cookout at my wife’s family reunion over the weekend. The chickens were cooked sitting atop a punctured can of beer. I had never seen anything like it, … Read more

Land of the Free…

…software, that is. Yes there are still some worthy software titles out there that are without cost. Since I’ve been referred to as a computer geek from time to time, I thought that I would list a few of the free software tools that I use or have used: Mozilla Firebird .61. I use Firebird … Read more

Oh No!

Actually, this is sort of exciting news–Tom Clancy is releasing a new novel August 11, 2003. It’s called The Teeth of the Tiger, and it centers around Jack Ryan, Jr. The reason for the negative title of this blog is my own dismay of the publishing date. Why does Clancy alsways publish his books in … Read more

Episcopalians Happy and Sad

The Episcopal Church USA has finally succeeded in divorcing itself from anything Christian. Yesterday, an openly homosexual, divorced Gene Robinson was elected Bishop of New Hampshire. This decision is monumental, not because it gives gays the same chance as everyone else, but because is shows that the Episcopal Church USA has effectively said that character … Read more

Another Laugh

It’s a slippery slope, so this might actually be the next headline we see from the Episcopal Church, USA.

A Strange Land

This is so bizarre that I couldn’t resist posting it. Has anyone ever heard of a country called Sealand? Apparently it’s for real. It claims to be a sovereign nation off the coast of England. No, it’s not an Island, and it’s not located on any continent. Sealand is a platform. You can find a … Read more

Mohler Weblog

I’ve been wondering just how long he could hold out without blogging. Dr. Albert Mohler, the president of the seminary I attend, now has a blog, which should prove to be even more scintillating than TruePravda. Here’s the article, and here’s the blog.