Vols In Iraq!
Instapundit linked this photo and caption about the Big Orange presence in Iraq. Go Vols!
Quality interweb mischief from Jared Bridges
Instapundit linked this photo and caption about the Big Orange presence in Iraq. Go Vols!
Albert Mohler has a good blog today on biblical illiteracy in the church. I’ve blogged briefly about this before, and I think this is one dead horse that still needs beating. Mohler cites the statistics: According to 82 percent of Americans, “God helps those who help themselves,” is a Bible verse. Those identified as born-again … Read more
For those readers of you who are foreign to Tennessee football, a major tradition of each Tennesee home game is observed when the players enter the field at the beginnning of the game and run through a giant “T” formed by the band members. Tennessee manager Nick Trail got to run through the T last … Read more
Tennessee 34, Marshall 24 Knoxville News-Sentinel columnist John Adams says: “The Vols still don’t look like an exceptional team. They do look like a team with exceptional athletes.” I tend to agree. The Vols looked good in places, but there needs to be a lot more cohesion as a team before they travel down to … Read more
A recent USA Today article explores the astonishingly large number of films which are based on books (there are reportedly 20 such films debuting this fall). It’s easy to make these films because the story is already there, and often the prestige of the book is there as well. In my 20+ years of watching … Read more
With all the buzz in the media regarding separation of church and state, there seems to one area that is overlooked: the separation of church and business. Now don’t get me wrong—there is nothing at all wrong with running a business in a Christian manner. In fact, more businesses need to be run that way—heck, … Read more
Os Guinness says some noteworthy things about Christianity and culture in an interview with Dick Staub. Guinness observes: If you look back when clocks came into the West, there was a subtle change. For example, the idea of being civilized for the Greeks was a spatial idea. If you were inside, you were civilized. If … Read more
Pat Buchanan is always a pariah, but occasionally he has some good things to say. This article in The Atlantic evaluates whether or not (and how, possibly) Bush can be beaten in 2004. Read it.
…that TruePravda was all work and no play. Consider this: I got this in a email from my brother from someone he knows. If I find out the true source, full attribution will be given. My question is this: did the photographer actually sit throught the whole race with this in front of him?
Literature is vastly underappreciated in our day. This doesn’t mean people have forsaken reading—a mere look at the number of stores such as Barnes & Noble and Borders shows that people must be reading something. Sadly, much of the reading that passes across our eyes doesn’t fall into the category of literature. Books like Tom … Read more