[Link] Bong hits, public schools, and cultural disarray.
Bong hits, public schools, and cultural disarray. Daniel Henninger looks at the “Bong Hits 4 Jesus” Supreme court case.
Quality interweb mischief from Jared Bridges
Bong hits, public schools, and cultural disarray. Daniel Henninger looks at the “Bong Hits 4 Jesus” Supreme court case.
Mika Brzezinski of MNSBC is my new favorite TV reporter. Watch this video of her refusing to do a Paris Hilton story.
Mark Dever looks at Where’d All These Calvinists Come From? (Part 1 of 10)
What to make of all the recent “gotcha” attacks on Fred Thompson? I examine them in a post at Blogs for Fred.
I’m proud to announce the creation of a new site that Joe Carter and I have been working on: Blogs for Fred. The site is just as its named — a rally point for bloggers who support Sen. Fred Thompson for president. Yeah, I know he hasn’t officially announced yet, but it’s kinda like the … Read more
On Tuesday, Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani will make yet another attempt to court the vote of evangelical Christians: In what may be one of the most important speeches of his campaign thus far, Mayor Giuliani will make his pitch tomorrow to Christian conservatives, aiming to convince them that his bona fides on leadership and … Read more
It’s summer — the season when kings and princes go off to war, and citizens depart for the beach. High schoolers are introduced with much shock to the reality that they have assigned reading over the summer. Those of us that didn’t get the memo that summer wasn’t for reading compile lists. Here’s mine: Mark … Read more
A few years ago, I wrote here about how our culture at large tends to marginalize the concept of sin by softening the terminology used to describe it. Sins become “mistakes” or “errors in judgment,” leaving the perpetrator a little less guilty in his or her own eyes. Sadly, this societal trend has crept into … Read more
Today’s gonna be a long day…
Ever wonder why conservatives have such a difficult time in getting their message across in the marketplace of ideas? One reason might be that we’re not fighting with the same artillery: So, how can you criticize someone who makes no positive assertions to criticize? Or even more difficult, how do you do it when his … Read more