Since everybody loves to hear about the nuts and bolts of a blog, I thought I’d let my highly-technical readers (37% of you use Firefox, after all…), know that I’ve finally upgraded TruePravda to WordPress 2.01 from 1.52. The upgrade was effortless, although I had to upgrade many of my plugins. My take on the new version: fancier, but slower in the back-end. Still it’s a needed upgrade, as all future development will be based on it.
I’ve been using the new version for a little over a month on some other sites I’m developing, and finally squeezed in the time upgrade this blog late one night this week. The RSS feeds were down for about a day because of an old WP Hashcash plugin — so watch out for that if you’re upgrading and use that plugin. The RSS feeds should be fixed now, but if you’re still having problems, please let me know. Of course, if you read this site via RSS, then you probably won’t even see this post if the feed is still down…