~ Volume XVI ~

It’s morning again in the blogosphere, as blogging has now resumed at Le Sabot Post-Moderne! Discoshaman has hit the ground running, with ruminatinos on the viability of multiculturalism, and rumblings of a new sub-blog focusing on War on Terror news.

Terry Mattingly writes about the upcoming Johnny Cash biopic and notes that the movie apparently misses his spiritual conversion due to the brief period covered by the film.
Mattingly also reminds me that I really need to pay a visit to the Carter Fold when I visit my hometown sometime in the near future. It’s a shame to have lived so close for most of my life but never went.

If you’ve ever worked in an office, you undoubtedly can relate to the cartoon Dilbert. Now, its creator, Scott Adams, is now blogging at The Dilbert Blog.
I’ve often wondered if there were anyone else in the world who had thoughts go through their head that were as wacky as mine. After reading Scott Adams, I wonder no more. Check it out for some hilarious refreshment.

You’ve heard of metrosexuals, but Matt Hall identifies a new group on the rise he dubs “metrospirituals.” Read his post for a good discussion on a surprising new face of consumerism.

One of the best new English translations of the Bible is the English Standard Version (ESV). Their website is hands-down the best internet-friendly bible resource, as it is quite blog-developer friendly. On their blog, they point to new, likewise wonderful resource for biblical study, zhubert.com.
Zack Hubert’s site has a number of original-language resources, including both Greek and Hebrew searchable texts, all for free. Could something like this put Bibleworks and other programs out of business? Not immediately for sure, but it will be tough for them to compete against the free stuff in the future.

Finally, a technical note: if you’re a blogger and you use WordPress, be sure to check out the new Akismet anti-comment spam plugin. I’ve used it for a couple of weeks now as my sole anti-spam measure, and it’s reduced my spam by 80% versus the other measures I was using.
It’s a bit of trouble due to the fact that you have to get a WordPress.com blog to get the API key, but it’s well worth the hassle.