~ Volume XV ~

For all you extroverts out there, Jason Kottke revives a link to Jonathan Rauch’s hilarious article from The Atlantic in March 2003 entitled, “Caring for Your Introvert.” If you’re an unabashed introvert like me, be sure to share it with all those outgoing people around you.

Be sure to check out Jason Doty’s new blog, Dr. Bare Minimum. An occasional commenter here at TruePravda, Jason is a student at SBTS and hails from my hometown of Kingsport, TN. His new blog is worth a look.

My old friend Charles Halton is back to blogging. Charles’ former blog, Marduk’s Terror, had gaps of up to a year between posts. He looks to be updating his new awilum.com more frequently, with lots of interesting insights from the ancient Near East and the Bible. I guess Charles is now a bona fide biblical scholar, as he is now referring to himself as “J.C. Halton.”

Christian missions are of great interest to me, and Colby Willen’s articulation of a local church vision for doing missions is spot-on in step with my own view. If you’re part of a church that’s interested in reaching out (as all churches should be), you’d be wise to consider some of the points in Colby’s post.
Hey Jared, thanks for the plug. I thought to myself, you know, N.T. Wright is a really good scholar–has a lot of notariety and is well respected–maybe if I went with J.C. Halton it would work for me too. Just kidding, but there is a funny story behind it that I’ll have to tell you about sometime.