Off we go…
Congratulations to Scott and Beth Slayton on the birth of their daughter Hannah last week. May the Sandman frequent your house.

Russell Moore offers an alternate way of thinking about porn stars.

I’ve always been interested in cultural anthropology (I once took a 400-level class in college as free elective…), so I was pleasantly surprised to stumble upon the blog of Grant McKracken. He’s an anthropologist who studies such mundane things as why people order smaller drinks in the drive-thru at McDonald’s than they do if they order inside. Call me crazy, but that sort of stuff facsinates me — as does McCracken’s blog.

John Rabe offers a a review of Moneyball, an interesting-looking book on baseball statistics and challenging long-held paradigms of thought.

And finally, in a rare side-splitting post, Albert Mohler confesses an to an addictive behavior that I share as well. This is a definite must-read.