Some presidents of the United States will always be remembered by history. Whether remembered favorably or unfavorably, certain presidents’ mere names are landmarks in our country’s history. Zachary Taylor is not one of these presidents.

A hero of the War of 1812 and several subsequent skirmishes, President Zachary Taylor held office only a year and two months—he died in office of acute indigestion. While he’ll never have the name recognition of Lincoln, Washington, Roosevelt (take your pick), Adams, or Jefferson, he does have the dubious honor of being buried just a couple of miles from where I live.
I took my wife to the Zachary Taylor National Cemetery last weekend to pay homage to “Old Rough and Ready,” as he was called (as you can see, I’m quite the romantic…). You never know what’s in your backyard until you go snooping around. What national treasures are in your backyard?
I think I might have one or two in my neighborhood…