After 30 years on the outside, I have finally succumbed. Tonight I walked into the neighborhood coffee shop and bought, for the first time in my life, a cup of coffee. A “tea”–toatler and hot chocolate sipper for years, I never could acquire a taste for the dark bean. I had tried it with all kinds of additives—cream, sugar, milk, salt, pepper, mustard, vinegar, A-1 Sauce—all to no avail (OK, perhaps I’m exaggerating a little). I hated the bitter taste.
A couple of weeks ago, a stressful day at work and a lack of tea bags conspired to bring me to drink some of the gratis coffee at work, which was not that bad. I found I needed no additives to begin warming up to the taste. Two weeks of steady experimentation with the free stuff from friends and employers, and I was ready to buy my own cup for the first time.
I fear I’ve headed down a dark path…
Dude, I’m praying for you! God will either grant you a love or a loathing for the bean. If you need an accountability partner, just let me know.
Don’t succumb to the dark side – pun intended. I’m not serious often but trust me on this one. It’s a nasty habit and I know nasty habits. It will become a caffiene drug addiction and only unless you drink the gratis stuff it will become expensive. I wish someone had convinced me to stop my nasty habit when I started.
What’s up with the Acts 26:24 quote?
I enjoyed the post and I’m enjoying the site.
If you want to go ‘further up and further in’ I recommend Pura Vida. Delicious coffee and it just happens to be from a Christian company and they emphasize paying a living wage to their Latin American suppliers. Excellent coffee with business practices consciously trying to live out Kingdom principles.
Doug: Thanks for the support. As your blog title suggests, you’re a man who seems to be in the know…
Sarge: no worries. All things in moderation. (Except steak, of course…)
As for the Acts 26:24 quote, it’s basically to set the tone for the blog. Like Paul on trial before Festus, there may be the perception of insanity here, but occaisionally I do speak “true and rational words.”
Glenn: Thanks for visiting and thanks for the info. I’ll check out that coffee if/when I decide to start making the stuff at home. Your site and book look interesting as well–I’ll be keeping an eye on it.