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jared w. bridges

304 Cain Drive
Blountville, TN 37617


The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Bachelor of Science in Communications.
Major: Advertising.

work experience.

Campus Crusade for Christ, Minsk, Belarus (former Soviet Union) September 1998-October 1999. Served as part of a Short Term International campus ministry team. Hepled launch a student Christian movement in Belarusian universities. Worked as part of an international team of Polish, Belarusian, and American members. Led small groups, organized large conferences and gave lectures on Biblical issues. Wrote monthly newsletters and developed financial support team.

Intermedia, Kingsport, TN. February 1998-August 1998. Did bookeeping and financial oversight for fiber optic cable upgrade. Investigated factuality of contractor invoices.

Eastman Chemical Company, Kingsport, TN. May 1997-August 1997. Transportation Coordinator for Power & Services Maintenance Crew. Organized and facilitated crew's movements in a working industrial environment.

Smith & Sons Printers, Knoxville, TN. September 1996-January 1997. Typesetter and graphic designer for preprint materials. Gained experience with QuarkXpress, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator for the Macintosh. Designed business cards, layout of forms, flyers and other printed media.


Campus Crusade for Christ. Servant Team and Ministry Team student leadership at the University of Tennessee, 1994-1997. Campus Prayer Coordinator, 1995-96. Planned weekly meeting for 150-200 people each week. Wrote comedic skits. In charge of audio system. Directed and planned Fall Conference for 300 students from 4 universities in 1997.

Worldwide Student Network. Spent summer of 1996 in the Republic of Belarus (former USSR). Talked with Belarussian students about religion and cultural differences. Part of a select group of university students.

US Summer Missions Project. Summer of 1995 in Panama City Beach, Fl. Served as Action Group
leader for the project. In charge of audio system. Worked with area youth.


Computer Skills: Proficient with: Windows, Macintosh, MS Office, Photoshop, Illustrator, GoLive, Pagemaker,CorelDRAW, QuarkXpress, Acrobat, HTML, FTP. Familiar with most graphics programs. Adept at internet research and can learn new programs quickly.

Languages: Russian (conversational), French (used to be conversational, but need a little brushing up), Pig Latin (uent-flay).

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